Stress and Anxiety – ready to let it go?

Ask yourself these questionsWEBSITE - stress

Where does stress come from?

  • Stress is created by your thoughts and anticipation of what your mind believes will happen next and can turn it into anxiety and fear.

What do you gain from allowing stress to take control of you?

  • Stress causes headaches, heart problems, skin conditions, high blood pressure, asthma, arthritis, illness, depression and anxiety and the list goes on.

Where does stress usually show up in your body when it is in control?

  • Your head, heart, on your skin, your chest, your joints, your mind.

Is there such a thing as “good” and “bad” stress?

  • Yes, in fact there is! Good stress is like waiting for the arrival of baby while standing outside of the delivery room or being called into the office and told the great news of a promotion or bonus you’ve worked so hard for. Ultimately there is an end to it. Whereas, bad stress is when you are constantly faced with challenges and there is no relief to that stress or you are unable to relax.

Everyone suffers some form of stress in their lives, be it daily, weekly, occasionally or constantly. So knowing you are not alone is a good thing. Knowing too that you can choose to not suffer from it is a great thing, right?

Have you ever consider hypnotherapy (hypnosis) to help you change the way you deal with and suffer from stress and anxiety?

  • Hypnosis for stress and anxiety helps your mind perceive situations differently, which will reduce stress and make you feel better, healthier and definitely happier. The use of hypnosis for stress and anxiety has proven to be effective for many people.

How does hypnotherapy work?

  • Through learning to relax your mind and body, which is the key component to letting go of stress from your life.
  • Through learning the technique of self-hypnosis to support you when times of stress appears.
  • Changing the way your mind interprets situations that cause you stress, in turn allowing you to stay calm and in control of the situation.
  • Helping you eliminate, or at least reduce the problems that are causing you stress, by getting to the root problem.

What’s next!

Can you imagine at the end of every day being able to treat yourself to an incredible life changing dose of “release” from stress, tension or anxiety and prepare yourself for an awesome sleep! So what are you waiting for?

What’s included

  • 1 session (allow up to 2 hours) with follow-up session half price if recommended or requested.
  • each session recorded for download via email link for ongoing home support

5 thoughts on “Stress and Anxiety – ready to let it go?

  1. Hi there, my name is Michelle and I’m scared to drive after I’ve crashed into two park cars while i was taking driving lessons from my uncle 11 years ago. I’ve tried to get back behind the wheel a couple of times but my anxiety gets the best of me and I start to worry and get cold sweats I cannot be calm and relax at the same time. Can you help me please. I would like my confidence back so I can start driving which I haven’t done in my life before.
    Thank you in advance


  2. hi theresa id like to get rid of my stress aniexty fears and phobias and want to lose weight as well and also to get in touch with my inner spiritual being and to clear all my blocks of all 7 chakras


    1. Hi Winnie, by all means email, text/call me or make an appointment via the “Make a booking” tab on my website and I will get in touch to discuss your concerns further. If you so choose to work with me, I look forward to the opportunity of working with you to help you overcome your fears and anxiety and rebalance your mind, body and spirit. Thanks for your enquiry!
      Namaste, ThereseElizabeth.


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